August 19, 2019

Of10 is committed to building a product that is not only better for the planet, but also better for the people living on it.

Our Offices

Real Estate in Mumbai is notoriously unavailable and extremely expensive. We think building more Real Estate is NOT the answer.

Of10 believes in better utilising the current Real Estate in Mumbai. We convert previously un-utilised or defunct spaces (dead spaces) to community centres cum co-working spaces for small businesses.

For example, our current office space in Powai used to be a defunct gym lying vacant for over 2 years. We came in and transformed the space into a state of the art, profit generating, co-working and events space.

There are millions of square feet of dead spaces around the city whose potential is waiting to be unlocked.

Throwing money and constructing new buildings is not the answer to Mumbai’s real estate problems. Instead, we should future-proof real estate by creatively and sustainably making the best use of the resources at our disposal.

Our Community

Local Matters!

We’re only as strong as the community around us.

Our mission to support our micro-communities began in 2016 as a way for us to give back to the communities that support us.

We at Of10 hire only from the neighbourhood and all our spaces are designed by LOCAL architects, furniture makers and contractors. We believe in giving talented, young people a chance.

Local Artists designing and sourcing locally.

All the material used in our spaces is sourced responsibly from our immediate surroundings

Our mission is to empower the micro-communities we are a part of. NO international teams, no national teams. There’s no need to outsource when our communities themselves have an abundance of talent we can tap into to create a space made by the community, for the community.

Our Customers

While most businesses in India are either riding the startup wave or catering to large enterprises we believe the future of the country rests on its Small and Medium Businesses.

All Of10 spaces are built with the needs of the small business owner in mind. Our all inclusive packages, 24/7 access and no security deposit policies ensure that there are no surprises at the end of the month.

Furthermore, we believe the only way for a business to succeed in India is through building better networks and working together.

Our Events

The creative arts are the backbone of a truly entrepreneurial community.

At Of10 we have hosted experimental theatre, music gigs, comedy, design workshops and even short film screenings.

We give local artists a platform to showcase their talent.

Our Employees

India’s unemployment rate is the highest in 45 years. The jobless rate stands at 6.1% in 2019.

The demographic most affected by increasing unemployment is the youth. We at Of10 are committed to change that.

The only thing the youth in India lack are the opportunities to prove themselves. Of10 provides such opportunities exclusively for people under the age of 25.

After 2 years of being with Of10, we encourage all of our employees to start their own businesses.

Building better businesses

We believe in building better and more socially responsible businesses.

Of10’s mission is to use our planet’s limited resources better and for better.


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